Lesson stuff

Here you can find all the things we done for the lesson, like analyse some films and so on.
The most things I will do on prezi, so down there are the links to the different Prezi's. 
I hope you enjoy it, but attention!

Cabin in the woods - Prezi

The Horror Genre - Prezi 

Our group survey on surveymonkey. Please click on the link and answer the questions for us. Also watch the clip to answer the questions.


Here is the evaluation from the survey monkey:

Analysis of the survey monkey from Manjana: 

Before we choose our final film we thought about 3 different film ides and Toni done a prezzi with the 3 different ideas we had.
Here is the link to the prezzi:


This is the shot list of our final film:

Time planning sheet:

Storyboard from Toni:

This is the timeline of our final media studies film:

The second detailed timeline:
Here is the second detailed timeline for our final film '3 DAYS'. In this timeline I describe the different shot types and angles we used and why we used it, so please have a look at the issuu document! The link to the issuu document is below. Thank you.

Manjana is responsible for the costumes and I helped her with the makeup. She made a issuu presentation about our whole costumes and makeup. Click on the links below to see the issuu presentations. 

This is the issuu about the costumes of our first idea for our final film. I will talk about why we changed it on my home page. Have a look there please. 

This is the final costume and makeup issuu. Manjana did a great job here. Please have a look at her work! 

Toni done the whole analysing stuff from our final idea and the other 2 ideas we had. See her work with clicking on the links below. 

Here is the link to the issuu Toni made. She analysed the developed idea in that issuu.

This is the link to the prezzi she made about our final idea. Please have a look!