
Our locations

Elisa was writing about the locations we used in our final film. And she done a document and uploaded it. Have a look on the pictures down here please.

Detailed timeline for '3 DAYS'

Here is the second detailed timeline for our final film '3 DAYS'. In this timeline I describe the different shot types and angles we used and why we used it, so please have a look at the issuu document! The link to the issuu document is below. Thank you.



Introduction of our 2 actresses

Here we see the introduction of our 2 actresses, Elisa and Manjana. They will talk about their role in our final film. So please have a look. The link is down there.



survey monkey analysis

Initial ideas prezzi from Toni

We thought about 3 different film ideas from 3 different sub genre and compared it to our market research. So we choose on of this 3 ideas for our final film. Toni wrote that done and done a prezzi for us with the 3 ideas. So please have a look and click on the link down there. Thank you.
